Ashley Allen, founder of Allen Health & Wellness, is a functional health consultant who looks for the root cause of her client’s symptoms through specialized testing to understand why they feel the way they do. Without relying on Western health practices, Ashley does a deep dive into her clients’ symptoms to get their bodies functioning at their best.
It’s no secret that prescription drugs and opioids have an incredibly negative effect on society, but it has reached a point where North America is under an opioid epidemic. In the United States alone, 1500 people die per week from overdoses, as stated by Council on Foreign Relations, and with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020, this number reached a disheartening record. What many people may fail to realize is that drug addiction is not limited to a specific demographic, it affects everyone, including athletes. Male athletes are very likely to misuse or abuse prescription medication as a result of seeking a fast and instant approach to pain relief. The relieving effects are only temporary, but the outcomes can be long-term, and even permanent for some.
Ashley Allen is well aware of the opioid problem as her home community, West Virginia, was the epicenter of the opioid epidemic since it was the first place where Purdue Pharmaceuticals marketed oxycontin. After witnessing the havoc it wreaked on her community, she knew there had to be another way of alleviating pain. Rather than using a traditional approach to medicine, she implemented advanced nutrient and stool testing to help her clients find safe, lasting relief to their pain.
“I’m here to help them. I’m not here to dictate and tell them what to do. So I try to meet them where they are and see what their pain points are, what their struggles are and what they want to work on. And then I give them my expertise on how I think is the best way to get to their goals,” she explains.
Ashley works with people that struggle with anxiety and are looking for pain management, including athletes, and – rather than prescribing them medication to mitigate their pain, she provides a holistic approach. Nutrition, mindset work, and movement are a few ways that can lessen flare-ups and ease pain, but what is most important for Ashley is meeting her clients where they’re at. “We work together as a team. That’s the biggest thing.”
Ashley Allen is a holistic nurse practitioner and founder of Allen Health & Wellness. She teaches her clients how to heal their pain and anxiety through nutrition, movement, pain management, and mindfulness. Her 1-on-1 program is a personalized program committed to finding practical yet effective exercises and methods to take care of your body and heal your symptoms without simply masking them. No one size fits all, and with Allen’s client experience, she ensures that each individual she works with receives care specialized to their specific needs.
Before she became a functional medicine consultant, Ashley began her career as a nurse practitioner. During her journey, she worked in neurosurgery and pain management and witnessed different types of pain people experienced and the lengths taken to get rid of it. Even after extensive surgeries and pain medication, she noticed that many people still experienced pain. To further her understanding of pain management, she went on to work alongside chiropractors, acupuncturists, and rehab specialists – learning about how food and nutrition affect inflammation in the body and gained further experience working with a telehealth company dedicated to this sector. Only recently, Ashley took all of her findings and years of training and created a company dedicated to providing real answers and safe solutions to manage and alleviate pain.
A critical part of Ashley’s work, and one thing that was never taught during her schooling to become a nurse practitioner, is the mind and body connection. When we experience pain alongside a traumatic event, that pain is going to be more heightened versus a situation that involves no trauma.
“Our brain creates these nerve pathways that are inappropriate, and we just have to break those nerve pathways with a bunch of different types of brain exercises and techniques,” Ashley explains. Your body remembers injuries, therefore a practice she implements for her clients is teaching them to let their bodies know that it’s safe to perform these activities again without the constant risk of injury during a movement or situation related to an injury that’s healed. Part of reassuring your body involves shifting your perspective of your pain to allow yourself to heal. The mind and body are intrinsically connected, and they both play an impactful role in the healing process.
Ashley uses many different approaches for pain relief and management treatment like this one and takes it a step further by looking into any disparities in your health whether it be diet issues affecting your gut or lack of movement in the joints. Getting older does not mean pain is normal, and if you’re not living the life you want to live, then you should “step back and see what subtle changes you can make to essentially get rid of what’s going on and live the life that you want to,” Ashley says. And one of the main things she encourages her clients to do is to live a life of fulfillment which means putting an end to normalizing pain and discomfort.
“Life doesn’t always happen the way you want it to happen,” Ashley assures – a lesson she learned from her clients. Things happen without our control, but what we do have control over is how we come back from those situations.
Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, burnout, pain, fibromyalgia, or other conditions, Ashley gets to the root cause of your symptoms so you can achieve a life of fulfillment.
Get in touch with Ashley Allen today by booking a discovery call to begin your pain recovery journey.
This client is represented by Maggie Berghoff, Celebrity Health Strategist, and Business Expert.