You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here’s what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!
Dolly Parton said that if you want the rainbow, well, you’ve gotta put up with the rain. She’s right. This week might be choppy, but it won’t last long, and it serves a purpose. The Five of Swords shows that you need to address a difference in opinion or approach. Butting heads is not the answer. Seeking to fully understand each other will lead to a deeper connection. Don’t add fuel to the fire. Stop, listen, connect, and resolve.
You can get bored quickly, Aries, and that can be a problem. When you’re trying to relieve boredom, you tend to hyperfocus on whatever is at hand in the moment…and that could literally be anything. The Lovers asks you to step back and think about why you’re bored, what needs to change, and what steps you can take this week to address the underlying root cause.
Do the right thing, Taurus, even if it’s the hard thing. People look up to you, and they admire your strong values. Set the right example. Justice visits you this week and asks this you to choose right over wrong. Strength, courage, and determination will flow as soon as you settle on a course of action. Your rewards will be fulfillment, satisfaction, and others’ good opinions. Take the high road.
Most things turn out better than you expect, Gemini. Your lively mind tends to dream up catastrophic scenarios. The Nine of Wands is a reassuring presence this week, helping you tackle a task that you assume is going to be go terribly. I promise that it won’t! As soon as you start doing (vs. thinking), the steps will be obvious and the answers will be clear. You got this.
Put on your armor this week, Cancer, because you’re going into battle. This is a worthwhile quest, and you might have fun too. It sure is satisfying to show people your claws once in a while! The Knight of Swords urges assertiveness, directness, determination, and fortitude. Show them you are not to be messed with, walked over, or pushed aside. Your needs matter. Make sure you’re seen, heard, understood, and respected this week.
Your plans haven’t worked out. Ugh. The Hanged Man sees you standing at a dead end. Your efforts were not rewarded, and your sacrifices have not been repaid. So, what can you do? Step back, Leo, and let fate take care of this. The universe has plans, and they don’t align with what you’ve ben doing. Let the universe now show you what it had in mind. You might be surprised, but if you keep an open mind, you can learn new tricks and get through this with some fresh ideas.
Pick out your date night lewk now, Virgo, because this is a v. romantic week for you. You are going to be swept off your feet! The Ten of Cups reveals that all things romance will be in a significantly better place by the end of the week. Whatever your relationship status, expect good things to be delivered. If you’re single, keep an eye out for a water sign—Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio.
Libra, you love to question, theorize, debate, and analyze. The Hierophant gives you permission to challenge something (or someone) that you previously have been all-in with. We all change, learn, grow, and evolve. Life brings us new information, circumstances, and lesson. The things you once believed now need re-assessment. Bring your objective brain to the foreground. Ask thoughtful questions, and listen carefully to the answers. Change your mind.
Someone exciting, adventurous, and inspiring is going to enter your life this week. This person awakens something inside you…and yes, it could be a crush, but it could also be a desire for a new life path, or a mission to discover something secret. You need a partner in crime, and this person serves this purpose—even if it’s only in your imagination. Look for people who inspire you. Oh, and odds are they’ll be a fire sign (that’s Leo, Aries, or Sagittarius).
Be yourself! Be authentic! Be fully who you really are. If you feel lost, go back to your childhood for clues. What did you used to be interested in? What were your earliest talents? Judgment shows that you are going to encounter a series of revelations and epiphanies about your true nature. These realizations will guide you into a series of game-changing decisions about your future. Yes, this is as major as it sounds!
Capricorn, you don’t like letting go of anything. You hate the thought of losing! But you need to change your mindset here. Letting go of things that no longer serve you isn’t loss, it’s de-cluttering! And what comes after that? New growth. The Seven of Pentacles asks you to let go of what’s old and tired in your world. When the decks are clear, new opportunity will magically emerge.
The Three of Swords can hit hard. It’s an emotional blow, like betrayal, cruelty, or backstabbing. Maybe this has already happened, or maybe someone has it out for you. Be patient and mindful this week, Aquarius. Knee-jerk reactions are usually full of anger and intensity, which you may later regret. Take your time. Often, the answer is to withdraw, be silent, and take yourself elsewhere. You don’t need this drama.
You’re working hard this week, Pisces. You’re getting stuff done and being productive, and it feels good. You enjoy the results of your efforts. The Knight of Pentacles brings rewards for your labor this week, so get to work! Every ounce of effort will yield an equal reward, so this is all worthwhile. Focus on your health, wealth, work, and home, and then watch the results come pouring in.
Kerry Ward has been reading and teaching tarot for over 25 years, and alongside her work as Horoscope contributor for Cosmopolitan UK, has worked for Cosmopolitan US, too. You can book a personal, written tarot reading with her, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, while she is also the published author of Power Purpose Practice, Card of the Day Tarot and The Good Karma Tarot. She also created the Crystal Magic Tarot deck. Follow her on Instagram @mytarotbella for weekly forecasts, insights, and tarot teachings, or find her on LinkedIn.