Add These Dates to your G-Cal:
- March 9: Mercury enters Aries
- March 10: New Moon in Pisces
- March 11: Venus enters Pisces
- March 19: Sun enters Aries + Spring Equinox
- March 22: Mars enters Pisces
- March 25: Full Moon + lunar eclipse in Libra
You faced through some once-in-a-lifetime transits last month, and the drama keeps coming with March’s astrology—but don’t worry, there are some sweet spots along the way. As the month begins, we are midway through Pisces season, and no matter your own zodiac sign, you’re focused on letting go of anyone or anything that is no longer working for you. This can also put you in a more sensitive, compassionate, and nostalgic mood—feel your feels! When Aries season begins on March 19, your energy and drive will pick up.
Now, to get into the deets of March’s astrology. The month begins with an auspicious planetary pairing as the Sun in Pisces connects with Jupiter in Taurus on March 1. No matter your own zodiac sign, you could be learning juicy news or receiving promising opportunities. Expect the unexpected on March 3 when Venus in Aquarius rams into Uranus in Taurus, stirring up surprises with both your relationships and your finances. This energy brings break-ups or breakthroughs!
You’re feeling inspired to step out of your comfort zone on March 4 when Mercury in Pisces mingles with Uranus in Taurus. Listen to your intuition today. Feelings run deep on March 8 when Mercury in Pisces conjoins with Neptune in Pisces. This is a beautiful day to get lost in your imagination, creativity, and fantasies. Save the serious conversations for another day, if possible.
More Horoscopes, Right This Way…
Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters Aries on March 9, bringing a speak-now-and-apologize-later attitude. Words can sting more over the coming weeks. On the positive side, this is a great time to pour your energy into your personal goals and create a plan of action. There’s a tense meeting between Mars in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus on the same day, which can bring a sudden burst of willpower and energy. PSA: This is not the best day to pick a fight, as it can have long-lasting consequences. Also on the same day, the Sun in Pisces gently connects with Uranus in Taurus, nudging you to reframe your current process and delivering supportive solutions.
A New Moon in Pisces takes over the skies on March 10, making this a potent day for releasing the past. Some transformative news arrives on the same day as Mercury in Aries syncs up with Pluto in Aquarius. The next day, Venus, the planet of relationships and finances, enters Pisces. The coming few weeks bring increased harmony in your closest connections, as well as financial relief or a deeper sense of security. The Sun and Neptune, both in Pisces, join together at the same point in the sky on March 17, marking a new cycle for your dreams, spirituality, and creativity. Tend to your nervous system if you’re processing big feelings today. Some fated news finds you on March 18 when Mercury in Aries links up with the North Node in Aries. Conversations that unfold today have the potential to alter your fate.
Prepare for a vibe shift on March 19, when the spring equinox marks the start of spring and the start of Aries season and the start of a new astrological year. Now is *actually* the best time to set intentions for the year ahead! Over the next few weeks, you’re feeling more motivated to go after who and what you want, and you’re ditching any lingering guilt about putting your needs first. You may be moving through a swell of emotions on March 20 when Mercury in Aries meets with Chiron in Aries. Conversations can feel cathartic and empowering today as you reflect on your healing journey and what still lies ahead.
You’re making new commitments in love, values, and finances on March 21 when Venus and Saturn, both in Pisces, join together in the sky. The energy can feel serious, but also foster a deeper sense of commitment. You may be taking a relationship to a next level, signing a contract, or committing to a new creative pursuit. Mars, the planet of action and drive, enters watery Pisces on March 22. You’re taking action based on your intuition and emotions over the coming weeks. You may also feel more scattered and indecisive, like Pisces’ symbol—two fish swimming in different directions. Allow yourself to follow your inspiration over the coming weeks rather than trying to stick to a strict schedule. Two of the luckiest planets in the sky, Venus and Jupiter, sync up on March 24, delivering a moment of celebration, generosity, and hope. You could be spending time with loved ones, marking a milestone, and/or feeling grateful.
A lunar eclipse in Libra illuminates the skies on March 25, kicking off eclipse season and bringing on the drama! This brings you back to events that were unfolding around October 14, 2023, under the solar eclipse in Libra. Fated shifts in your relationships will unfold around this time. My advice? Seek more balance in your life and stand firm in your beliefs. Some sweet surprises close out the month when Venus in Pisces connects with Uranus in Taurus on March 28 . You’re ready to experiment in your relationships. Unexpected (but good!) news may also arrive, leaving you feeling inspired to keep chasing your dreams.
Read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign horoscope for March 2024:
Stephanie is an astrologer, psychic medium, and witch. She’s studied the mystical arts for over a decade including the stars, mediumship, palm reading, tarot, curanderismo, and more. She is the author of Seasons of the Zodiac: Love, Magick, and Manifestation Throughout the Astrological Year and host of the podcast Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign. Her work has also appeared in Refinery29, Well + Good, Bustle, among other publications, and she has appeared on the Today Show as an astrology expert and modern mystic.