It’s the story between stories. The second-to-last eclipse of the year just happened and we’re staring down the final eclipse, which happens on October 28. To help, Friday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra allows us to understand what needs to be balanced and how we can do it. On Sunday, a beautiful trine between Venus and Jupiter helps us focus on the present moment and bend without breaking. On the same day, Mercury enters Scorpio, giving us the strength to trust the unknown.
Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope:
Look at the opposite, Aries! Friday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra wants you to consider the contrasting opinion to see the whole picture clearly. Sunday’s harmonious Venus-Jupiter trine connects you beautifully to your body and your pleasure principles. Mercury enters Scorpio on the same day, which inspires you to work through your intimacy issues.
Small steps, Taurus! Friday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra helps you accomplish your ambitions by focusing on small goals only. Sunday’s Venus-Jupiter trine gives you a healing experience that strengthens your confidence in a powerful way. On the same day, Mercury enters Scorpio and inspires you to take the leap of trust and believe what others are saying to you.
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Express yourself, Gemini! Friday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra helps you do what you do best, which is share the stories of who you are with your whole heart. Sunday’s Venus-Jupiter gives you emotional insight that wants to be examined for your growth. Mercury enters Scorpio on Sunday, which helps you take care of your mental health through mindfulness, meditation, and journaling.
Time to go home, Cancer? Friday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra helps you return to the people, places, and experiences that keep your beautiful heart safe. Sunday’s Venus-Jupiter trine is a wonderful time to reconnect with your friends and have a healing conversation. Mercury enters Scorpio on the same day and inspires you to bravely share what’s on your heart with those who need to know it.
Speak up, Leo! Friday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra helps you assert your POV while staying a student of other people’s perspectives. Sunday’s Venus-Jupiter trine shows you the fruits of your professional labor in a big way. Mercury enters Scorpio on the same day and inspires you to boost your emotional intelligence quota.
Ground down, Virgo! Friday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra helps you stay centered by asking you to implement your values. Sunday’s Venus-Jupiter’s trine expands your thinking on relationships in a beautiful way that offers better results. Mercury enters Scorpio on the same and boosts your already strong communication skills, leading you to incredible insights and solutions.
Happy birthday, Libra! This new year’s one for the books with eclipse season here. Friday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in your sign helps you integrate the learnings. Sunday’s Venus-Jupiter trine wants you to heal from a pattern or partner from the past. Mercury enters Scorpio on the same and inspires you to level-up your financial literacy and notions of “security.”
You can let go now, Scorpio. Friday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra helps you release whatever you know keeps you stuck in disempowering holding patterns. Sunday’s Venus-Jupiter trine is a wonderful moment to lean on your friends to help you in this delicate process. Mercury enters your sign on the same day and gives you a clean slate through a new way of thinking, speaking, and listening.
Call your girls, Sagittarius! Friday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra is all about gathering with your community, friends, and ride-or-dies. Sunday’s Venus-Jupiter trine inspires professional success through the quality of your network and colleagues who want to see you succeed. Mercury enters Scorpio on the same and helps you do some work around letting go and finding closure.
Rise and shine, Capricorn! Friday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra helps you glow on the job and people will notice. They’ll push you forward to new heights. Sunday’s Venus-Jupiter trine inspires you to consider both the big and small pictures when thinking about love. Mercury enters Scorpio on the same and helps you find that ever elusive work-life balance, especially with your friends.
Less theory, more practice, Aquarius! Friday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra wants you to make the abstract more actionable in ways that help you apply your new learnings. Sunday’s Venus-Jupiter trine wants you to take a trust fall with someone. Mercury enters Scorpio on Sunday and provides you more innovation, ideas, and solutions that help you professionally succeed.
Go even deeper, Pisces. Friday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra wants you to see the undercurrent by asking tough questions and reality-checking your assumptions. Sunday’s Venus-Jupiter trine wants you to make a request to avoid resentment. Mercury enters Scorpio on the same day and broadens your horizons through travel and/or education so you can hold more optimism, faith, and hope in the unknown.
Colin Bedell
Colin is a literal Gemini Twin Astrologer from Long Island, New York and a two-time graduate of the New School with his Bachelor’s in Literature from Eugene Lang College and Master’s in Fashion Studies from Parsons School of Design. A passionate student of astrology, A Course in Miracles, and other systems of personal-growth, Colin founded QueerCosmos to meaningfully contextualize queer identities across the zodiac and universal spiritual themes. Additionally, Colin leads private natal chart readings and horoscope columns with international publications. For more, head over to