New Moons are a time for rejuvenation and manifestation. If you have a lack in your life, then this is the time to fill it through a new experience, person, or item. We must make space for beginnings and foolish behavior during New Moons—mind you, we are all fools when beginning something new, so don’t be scared to get experimental.
For newbies, a New Moon occurs when the Moon and the Sun meet at the same degree in the sky, which astrologers call a conjunction. As an astrology practitioner, I’m all about precision because cutting through diamonds is possible. New Moons are a time for setting intentions and goals to manifest. Take the theme of each New Moon as inspiration to bring forth the best version of yourself. If you find your horoscope helpful, please share it and tag me on social media @MonishaHolmes.
Some people say that success is just a matter of adopting a “just do it” mindset. But as simple as it is to say it, implementing it can be a challenge, especially in a world brimming with complexities. Even the seemingly straightforward task of holding an opinion can become an overwhelming endeavor. This often leaves us navigating life with an underlying sense of threat, allowing fear and anxiety to invade our minds and make us needlessly defensive.
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When it comes to interpersonal relationships, emotional regulation can be even more of a hurdle. Too often, we find ourselves snapping at the ones we hold dear, allowing emotions to dictate our actions and words. Astrologically speaking, both Scorpio and Aries are ruled by the planet Mars, instilling in them a characteristic drive, ambition, and a relentless motivational force. While Aries is known for impulsively pursuing what they desire, Scorpio tends to harbor hidden wants and unspoken yearnings.
The New Moon in Scorpio on November 13, 2023, at 4:26 a.m. EST challenges us to confront our true desires. We might discover that what surfaces is merely the tip of an intricate emotional iceberg. Our expressed desires are but a fragment of a larger, more complex assembly of yearnings, memories, and emotions buried deep within our subconscious. During this astrologically significant time, it’s crucial to excavate these hidden elements. Tools like free-writing, absorbing yourself in music, or dancing with intention can offer valuable insights, helping you draw nearer to your authentic self.
Read your horoscopes based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Read for your Sun sign to gain insight based on the version of yourself that you’re maturing into, your Rising sign to reflect on your present state, and your Moon sign for guidance on how to nurture your inner child.
Your horoscope for the New Moon in Scorpio
You are allowed to leave when the water runs dry, Aries. This analogy may seem unclear at first, but give yourself time to meditate over how certain relationships no longer hydrate you . If you may feel a strong attachment to how a particular pattern makes you feel about yourself, maybe the breakup that’s necessary isn’t with a person or an organization. Maybe what you need is to break up with the stagnating excuses you give yourself.
Love is in the air. C’est la vie! Sometimes what happens to you is a great thing, Taurus. Even though the past couple of months might have caused you to feel demotivated, now is the time to keep hope alive! Show how worldly you are by asking more questions. Recognize that truth is often multidimensional. As you pursue your goals, be careful, smooth, and discerning.
Changing up your routine is a surefire way to become the person you aspire to be. Think carefully before making sudden changes, and know that you don’t need to announce them. The world doesn’t need to know your every move, and you may find that the most success comes from moving in silence. Sometimes when people lack the ability to dream big, they believe that those around them should shrink their idealism.
Oh la la, Cancer, it is time for you to flirt with the present. What is the future, anyway? A concept of the imagination? A promise for another second, minute, hour, and day? Make deals with the moment. Imagine what could happen right now. When you begin to contemplate how you can change in the now, then you can enhance your willpower. Remember, the tools that lead to success require practice.
You’re ready for a beautiful change to your home, Leo. Give up waiting for someone or something. You can reorganize and spice up the space that you are in now. Holding onto items you no longer want because of caveats and excuses may be leading you to be stuck. There is no need for drastic changes. Instead, focusing on refreshing and repurposing.
There is beauty in holding your tongue, especially if you recognize there can be such a thing as “the right moment.” As long as you avoid making excuses, then trust your judgment. Virgo, sometimes people are not listening, and I’m sure you can discern when people are too caught up in their own ego to listen. Be silent as long as you remember when it’s time to speak up.
You can catch the wind if you hold out a container big enough. Check it to make sure there are no holes or cracks. Once you catch the mover of clouds and blanket of the sky, what will you do with it? Are you quick enough to keep it? This New Moon is a gentle reminder that motivation is a nonphysical idea. You can try to catch it, but you might find your will to create movement is more effective.
Full force ahead, Scorpio! This New Moon is a time for you to further your personal development. Try to embrace the growth you have experienced thus far. Even though aging and self-reflection can feel like daunting processes, keep an open mind that you will become better. Let the transformations you have seen in yourself be the motivation you need to proceed.
Sit with your feelings, Sagittarius. Take note of your laughter and recognize that dismissing your discomfort with a nervous reaction can lead to resentment in the future. Your mistake is not in making commitments, but in making commitments without a sense of boundaries or flexibility. Even if you are unable to change the past, pay attention to your present.
We all hope that people see us, even if we think we would rather hide in the shadows of isolation. Misrepresentation can be an extremely hurtful experience, and it is even worse if people call us “too sensitive.” My hope is that during this New Moon you allow yourself to risk being misunderstood. Hardening your shell will enhance feelings of isolation. Maybe someone will properly see you.
You are on your path, full steam ahead. As you begin to draw out your blueprints and solidify your childhood dreams, take time to appreciate how far you’ve come. You are a resilient survivor and you deserve to be proud of your accomplishments. There are people who are understandably bogged down by challenging experiences, so the decision to keep moving is never a light one. Full speed ahead, Aquarius. Pour water into your goals and bring your dreams to life.
Life can be hard, Pisces. There is no need to mute your senses and give into mind-numbing practices. Allow space to acknowledge what is hurting and try to refrain from silencing your complaints. Paying attention to what hurts with every intention to seek out solutions is a great way to motivate yourself to learn. Focus on what uplifts you.
Monisha “Six” Holmes is an astrologer and Master of Social Work (MSW) who covers love, relationships, and wellness. She earned her MSW at Columbia University, where she specialized in contemporary social issues. Aside from writing, Monisha is the founder of Black Women Being, a media platform aimed at promoting wellness, spirituality, and justice.
Follow her on YouTube.