Noah Beck and Dixie D’Amelio’s relationship may be over, but here’s a new chapter in the TikTok stars’ love story for you: Noah still glows when talking about Dixie, who he currently describes as his “first true love.”
[Cue loud chorus of “awwws.”]
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Noah opened up about his relationship with Dixie during a recent appearance on the School of Greatness podcast and said the struggles of navigating fame and life in the public eye ultimately led to their split.
“Everyone has their first true love, and she was mine,” Noah said. “I think everyone’s experience is different. But I think the way ours trickled down was just so bizarre and so unique — you like a girl, you start dating her. You’re 19 years old. This is a normal thing. You’d be in college, you’re going to school, you’re holding her bags. You’re doing that stuff.
Whereas like this time it’s like, ‘Hey, do you want to hang out today? Like, no I have a photo shoot or no I’m shooting a music video or this, that,'” he continued. “There’s so many factors to it. I don’t know, I could go on and on about what makes a breakup hard.”
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Noah has always been very open about his feelings when it comes to Dixie—like when he called her his “forever person” and said marrying her was “the goal” during an interview a mere four months into their ‘ship—and he doesn’t regret that.
“My mom always told me I thought a lot with my heart. I’m a logical thinker as well, but I think when you’re blinded by love it’s like, there’s that hope. I think what I had with her, I held on to any bit of hope. I love hard. I love deeply,” he explained. “I dedicated a lot of my time to being the best boyfriend I could be to her. The bond was strong. That’s not to toot my own horn or anything. I’m very confident in the way we were together. Things just … it’s life. Things don’t last always and things aren’t forever. I still have so much love for her.”
One more time, for the people in the back:
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Kayleigh Roberts is the weekend editor at Cosmo, focused on celebrity news and royals. She’s a Ravenclaw who would do great things in Slytherin. To learn more about her, google “Leslie Knope eating salad GIF.”