If I’m being totally honest, most of my Valentine’s Days have been pretty forgettable. While I date just as much as the next girl, for reasons known only to God and Beyonce, I’m almost always single on that famed day of l’amour. So most February 14ths, I usually hide away from the world, make a great filet mignon for one, watch action movies, and count the hours till chocolate is on sale for half price.
But not this time around. This particular year, just after my 30th birthday, cuffing season had brought me a Viking by way of Venice Beach: Miles*, whom I had been seeing since around Thanksgiving. His attire of choice was almost always hoodies, cargo shorts, and sandals, but his face—and body—looked like something stolen from the Hemsworth family vault. He had blonde hair just down to his broad shoulders, a nice scruffy beard, and eyes such a deep ocean blue a girl could get lost at sea if you stared into them for too long. How I had bagged this Norse god with a golden retriever personality, I still don’t know, but this Valentine’s Day I finally landed myself a date—and he was kind, playful, curious, and up for anything.
Sounds perfect, right? Well, there was just one thing: his performance in the bedroom. Don’t get me wrong, it was serviceable. Solid, even! But the sex just wasn’t sending me into the stratosphere like I knew it could with all of those magical ingredients in play.
Cut to February 14th over at Miles’ place, the two of us celebrating with a romantic night in over an adorably set table and the remains of an elegant, homemade dinner of Thai food—hor mok and pad thai. (And he could cook, too. Swoon.)
Miles raised a glass of chilled riesling to toast. “Happy Valentine’s Day, babe,” he purred.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” I clinked glasses, but couldn’t meet his gaze as I took a sip.
Ever observant, he picked up on my distanced mood right away.
“Hey, is something wrong?” he asked. “You look preoccupied. Is it that thing about your coworker?”
“Her? Oh no. It’s not that.”
“Ah, ok.” He paused long enough for us to hear that it had started raining outside. “Is it, um, do I have something to do with it?”
“Well, yes,” I admitted.
“Oh. Was it the dinner? I thought you liked Thai food.”
“No! No, I love it. And it was so good.”
Miles grabbed my hand, which had been fiddling with the bottom of my wine stem. “Babe, you’re starting to worry me. What is it?”
I finally met his gaze. Be a big girl and talk about your feelings. “It’s about our chemistry. In bed. Like, it’s good and I’m having fun, but it feels like….”
“Like it could be better?” Damn, my Viking could get right to the point.
I nodded. “I’m not trying to offend you. I feel like we have a really solid base. But I thought if we, I don’t know, maybe experimented a bit more, we could find something to take it to the next level.”
Then Miles did the most unexpected thing—he laughed. “Oh God, that’s all? Babe, the way you were acting, I thought you were gonna break up with me. That’s totally fine! I love trying stuff out. We’ve been pretty vanilla, I know, but I wanted to make sure we trusted each other before we—or, at least I—brought out my freaky side.”
Relief washed over me. He scootched closer, gave me a devilish grin and then a kiss. I could taste the riesling still on his lips. “So. You wanna get a little wilder, huh?” His voice had dropped about half an octave and I felt my heart beating a bit faster. “Did you have anything particular in mind?”
Oh my. I hadn’t even thought about what I actually wanted to try yet. Frankly, I hadn’t expected the conversation to go this well. I bit my lip and smiled. “I dunno. Anything you wanna try?”
He cocked a sassy eyebrow and let out a low growl. “How do you feel about role-play?”
Ooh. “Yes, please.”
Miles swung an arm around my shoulders and pulled me in for a deeper kiss, sending a bloom of lust crawling down my frame. “Good, good,” he uttered. “Go to the bedroom. I’ll be there in a minute. I have an idea, just go with me on it and we’ll keep checking in as we go.”
I liked this confident side of him. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and trailed a finger along my jawline. “What do you want to use as a safe word?”
“Yeah. ‘Banana’ is played out.”
He chuckled. “Okay. Go get comfortable, and make sure the blinds are drawn. I’ll be right there.”
Two minutes later I was naked under the covers, trying to pose so the fresh bed sheet covered me like a pinup girl. Miles opened the door, shirtless, his cut body leaning against the doorframe and eyeing me like I was his next meal. Already, this did not feel like it was gonna be some typical doctor/nurse or teacher/student role-play. I felt my heart rate creep up with nervous excitement.
“Hey. Thanks for coming.” He scratched his head and mussed his long hair a bit. “I, um, I know we’ve been dating a few months now, so you’ve probably noticed that there are some days I’m—well, you just can’t reach me.” He moved over to a window, double checked that it was closed, then looked over at me.
Oh! I guess it was my line. “Um, yes, I have noticed that.”
Miles rolled his neck, like something was bothering him. “Yeah. There’s a good reason for that. And I feel like I can tell you now.” He crawled into bed, gently pushing my head to one side and kissing his way up my neck. “You see, I have a little secret. Have you ever noticed…” he gently nibbled on my ear, and a little shiver of delight raced down my spine. “…That those nights I was gone, it was always a full moon?”
Oh? Ooh! I traced a hand up his toned arm. “Yes, I have. And I think I know why.”
He growled in my ear, and, whoa, I suddenly felt very primal. He turned my chin to face him. “I want to show you why.” Miles reached for the drawstring for the window above the bed, pulled the blinds open, and snarled in the sexiest way. “Yes.” He dove back down, kissed me and lightly bit my lip, running his hands up and down my sides. “I am a werewolf.”
I wanted this werewolf inside me and to rut like it was mating season.
Now this I could get into. But being the brat that I am, I wanted to add a little something more. “I have something I need to tell you,” I whispered in his ear as I bucked against his hips, pulled him closer, and wiggled against his frame. He groaned, not in performance but in desire. “I could tell from your musk, your scent, that you were a werewolf,” I continued. “Because I know that scent. Because I’m a werewolf, too.”
Miles pulled back and held my face in his hands, another devilish (werewolfish?) grin playing across his handsome face. “Yes. Yes. Fuck, I want you so bad.”
I kissed him with wild abandon, both of us growling like mythical animals straight out of the enchanted forest. He grabbed my hips and swung me back down onto the bed, his cock pressing against me. Suddenly, his feral expression disappeared.
“Grapefruit?” he asked. “Was that too much?”
“No, it was fucking hot.”
I love it when a man can throw me around like a rag doll but keeps checking in. I trailed a hand down to pull out his cock and stroked him, watching as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He came back to earth and, noticing the bed sheet that was still between our bodies, leaned down and pulled it back with his teeth. He crawled back over and put his whole weight on me, nestling himself between my legs but not at my entry, instead resting the tip right up against my clit. I could feel how wet I was, his cock slick against my clit as he growled, gently biting the place where my neck met my shoulder. I moaned with a deep, guttural pleasure and began to lightly rake my nails across his back. With each scratch, I seemed to pull a different grunt from him, every sound getting less Miles and more wild animal.
Suddenly he broke away, my body protesting and desperate to follow his heat, and moved to the edge of the bed. With a horny huff he tugged at my thighs, bringing my pelvis to the edge of the mattress. Throwing my legs over his shoulders, he nibbled his way up my inner thigh towards my clit. When he reached his destination, he began to eat me out with such fervor I cried out in ecstasy, so turned on I was starting to forget my everything. I felt the heat of an orgasm rising in my body, climbing and climbing, but I didn’t want that yet. I wanted this werewolf inside me and to rut like it was mating season.
I tapped Miles’ head and he paused. “Grapefruit?” he asked again.
“No, goddamn it, no ‘grapefruit,’” I let out a laugh. “Get a condom and get in there. I just don’t want any wolf pups any time soon.”
He smiled, his face damp with his work. “Sure. Me either.” He got up off of his knees, rolled one on, and got on top of me again.
“Babe, I can’t wait for this. You are dripping wet.” He slid into me, thick and wanting, and I watched the pleasure dance across his face as I grabbed his sculpted ass and pulled him further into me, determined to feel every inch of him. Sweat glistened on his chest and I licked it off, salty on my tongue. He reached down and took one of my tits into his mouth in response, playing with the erect nipple in ways that made me whirl with sensation.
“Hey, Wolfie.” I slapped his ass. “I wanna ride you.”
Miles gave me an affirmative growl and we switched positions so I was on top, riding him like he was my Viking stallion. I raked my hands across his chest one last time as I felt my orgasm scale higher and higher until I couldn’t take it anymore and came, shattering every last thought in my mind.
Slick with the sweaty sheen of a great fuck all over my body, I collapsed onto my werewolf lover, both of us grasping at each other as we caught our breath, never breaking eye contact.
Miles kissed me sweetly and traced a finger down my cheek, gentle as a butterfly landing on a leaf, staring at me with those big ocean eyes. “How was that?”
I beamed and giggled, then howled like a (very satisfied) wolf at the moon. After a lifetime of unmemorable Valentine’s Days, suffice it to say that spending February 14th unlocking a new kink with a Thor clone was nothing short of unforgettable.
*Name has been changed.