How to Have the Nipple Orgasm of Your GD Dreams

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Did you know that for some people, having their nipples stimulated (yes, just their nipples!) can feel so intense that they come? Yes, the rumors are true—which means we need to talk about nipple orgasms because they are absolutely worth having. Why? It’s simple actually: Exploring our bodies to discover new ways of experiencing pleasure is amazing, duh.

“The phenomenon referred to as a nipple orgasm or ‘breast orgasm’ is a powerful surge of pleasure that permeates the entire body, triggered by nipple stimulation,” psychologist Nazanin Moali, PhD, a sex therapist and host of the Sexology podcast, tells Cosmo.

Basically: When the nipples are stimulated, the tension and pleasure inside the body starts to build. It builds and builds and builds until BAM, you’re having an orgasm. Laurie Mintz, PhD, a licensed psychologist, certified sex therapist, and author of Becoming Cliterate, explains that for some people, the nipples alone may be enough to get you to the big O, but for others it can be more about a combo of stimulation—say, nipple stim + clit or internal stim, for example. “This type of stimulation increases the chances of or enhances the intensity of orgasm due to genital stimulation,” Mintz says.

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Nipple orgasms happen because our brains and bodies are interconnected in super fascinating ways. Studies have shown that nipple stimulation lights up the same area of the brain that senses contact with the genitals: the genital sensory cortex. Meaning, our brains can interpret nipple stimulation as being the same as genital stimulation. When stimulated enough, this can lead to orgasm for some people.

Also, fun fact: Technically speaking, we can have an orgasm through any part of the body if the pleasure signals from the brain and body are strong enough. Why? Because, as Mintz points out, all orgasms are actually the same. “No matter where the stimulation [occurs], an orgasm is the same—a build up of intensity due to blood being trapped in the erectile tissue in our genitals and then that blood being released by rhythmic contractions of the pelvic floor, accompanied by the release of feel-good hormones,” she explains.

Areas of the body that give us pleasure are erogenous zones. “An erogenous zone is basically an area of the body that has nerve endings, which, when stimulated, create a chain reaction sending electricity to various parts of the nervous system, including our genitals,” explains Moushumi Ghose, MFT, a licensed sex therapist. These might include feet, earlobes, the neck, and, yes, nipples—which can be a central erogenous zone for people who enjoy having them played with.

So let’s dive deep into nipple orgasms: What they feel like, whether they’re available to everyone, and how to have one (if that’s something you’re interested in).

What does a nipple orgasm feel like?

All orgasms are unique and no two are exactly alike. So pinning down exactly what a nipple orgasm feels like can be a bit challenging. We can’t be painting with broad strokes when it comes to pleasure. “For some, they feel just like any other orgasm and others feel them solely in the chest area,” Mintz says.

Ghose says that for some, stimulation of the nipples can send intense signals throughout the whole body, which can feel like “tingles that reverberate and vibrate” and can contribute to an orgasm.

TD;DR: We can’t pinpoint *exactly* what a nipple orgasm feels like because it will feel unique to every single person having one.

Can anyone have a nipple orgasm?

Technically speaking, if you have nipples, you could potentially have a nipple orgasm, but not everyone does have them. “The capacity of nipple stimulation to induce orgasms is primarily due to the way our bodies are neurologically interconnected,” Moali says. This connection may be strong enough for you to have pleasure, an orgasm, or both via nip stim.

Meanwhile, some people may feel nothing at all when they have their nips touched. The thing is, we’re all wired differently.

Mintz adds that others may find that nipple stimulation on its own isn’t enough to induce orgasm, but experiencing it in combination with other forms of sexual stimulation can increase the likeliness (and often intensity) of their orgasms.

What if my nipples aren’t sensitive?

Real talk: Not everyone has super sensitive nipples. Every single body is different. So, if getting your nipples sucked, licked, and played with does nothing for you, there is nothing wrong with that. If the pleasure signals aren’t being sent from your brain to your genitals by way of the nipples—or if that connection just isn’t super strong—that’s totally normal.

“It’s important to remember that not everyone reacts [to nipple stimulation]—some people don’t like [it] or find it does nothing for them,” Mintz says.

Lots of things can impact nipple sensitivity—such as anxiety, trauma, breastfeeding, or a history of breast cancer—or even just plain old genetics. Plus, Moali says that the types and quality of orgasm we have can change over time “due to various factors such as age, hormonal changes, stress levels, and overall state of mind.”

You may not have sensitive nipples because, well, you just don’t. Don’t beat yourself up about it. There are so many other amazing ways to seek out pleasure. The nips are fun and all, but they aren’t everything.

How to amplify nipple stimulation to increase your chances of a nipple orgasm

Now, if you’re ~simply dying~ to give this a go, there are definitely some ways that you can up your chances of nipple-orgasming (that’s right, we verbed it). Here are 7 expert approved tips to help ya get there.

1.Start with self-pleasure

    Mintz says that exploring your nipples alone is a great way to try out this sensation. If you don’t know how you like to be touched, you can’t communicate those needs to a partner.

    Masturbation is how we start to feel centered and at home in our pleasure. “Just like any other type of orgasm, having a nipple orgasm is a skill that can be cultivated. It requires patience, exploration, and an open mind,” Moali adds.

    2. Get to know your breasts

      In order to build the neural pathways that create the association of breasts and nipples with sexual pleasure, we need to take time to really explore the breasts thoroughly. “Begin by gently caressing your breasts with different strokes and pressures,” Moali says. “Notice what feels pleasurable and approach it with curiosity without creating expectations for an orgasm.”

      Even though this last part may sound counterintuitive, it’s actually really important. When we go into sexual touch with the expectation of orgasm, orgasms become more elusive. Instead, focus on exploration and following the pleasure. If something feels good, hone in on that sensation and follow it.

      3. Start on the outside and work your way in

      In order to build anticipation and, therefore, the connection between your nips and brain, Mintz says to start with a breast massage. “Then move to the nipple and experiment with different types of touch, ranging from light or moderate touch and pressure to pinching or twisting or pulling on the nipple itself,” she says.

      4. Get some toys in on the fun

        If you’re interested in giving some sex-cessories a try, suction toys can be a great nipple-play enhancement. These toys are ~technically~ designed for clitorises, but can be used anywhere on the body. You can also try out vibrations with your go-to vibe. “Take it up a level and try a nipple clamp or, if you don’t have one, you can put some tape on your nipples and pull it off quickly,” Mintz says. You can also try a feather over the nipples for a lighter, more tickly sensation. It’s all about getting curious and feeling out what works for you.

        5. Try temperature play

          For those whose nipples are highly sensitive and respond really well to different temperatures, Moali suggests using ice cubes or warming lubes on the nips. This can add a unique sensation that increases pleasure.

          6. Enhance your senses

          In order to experience orgasm, we often can employ our other senses to heighten the experience. Ghose suggests trying audio erotica or sexy music to enhance the experience and get you more sexually excited. “You can also try setting the mood by lighting some candles, or incense, which might fragrance the room,” she says.

          7. Combine nipple stimulation with other stimulation

            Nipple orgasms don’t always mean stimulating the nipples alone. In fact, most people will experience nipple orgasms in combination with other stimulation. “Combining nipple stimulation with genital stimulation can be a game-changer,” Moali says. “Engaging in both forms of pleasure simultaneously can create a powerful synergy that intensifies your overall experience.”

            All this to say, if you’re even a little bit interested in nipple play, trust that your nips are an amazing erogenous zone that you shouldn’t sleep on. Go forth and explore.

            Headshot of Gigi Engle

            Gigi Engle

            Gigi Engle is a writer, certified sexologist, sex coach, and sex educator. Her work regularly appears in many publications including Brides, Marie Claire, Elle Magazine, Teen Vogue, Glamour and Women’s Health.

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