Heidi Klum is fast becoming one of our favorite fashionistas of all time. For starters, as we all know all too well, she’s the undisputed queen of Halloween dressing–having worn everything from a literal giant worm costume to an eerily accurate recreation of Princess Fiona from Shrekover the years. Not forgetting her latest epic ensemble, of course, that saw the German model transform into a peacock, even going so far as to rope in the cast of Cirque du Soleil to act as her feathers. Iconic, much?
But we’re not here to talk about her spooky creations–legendary as they are. No, today we want to celebrate Heidi’s penchant for experimental, daring fashion choices throughout the rest of the year too.
We love a celeb who is confident enough to try any trend on for size, and that’s exactly what’s so great about Heidi–she’ll happily embrace all manner of aesthetics, and look truly epic while doing so. Earlier this week, for example, she literally went commando on the red carpet in a completely open-sided dress that looked like she was covered in bubble bath. And her latest look is just as daring–if not a littttttle less revealing…
Putting her own unique and fabulous twist on business-chic dressing, Heidi posted pics of herself on Instagram rocking a teeny tiny pin-striped bra with matching high-waisted tailored trousers. A combo we would never have thought of ourselves, tbh, but now simply can’t get out of our heads.
Granted, it’s not *exactly* office appropriate, but slap a buttoned-up, cropped cardigan on top or an oversized knit, and you’ve got yourself one seriously chic workwear look. Depending on how fashion-forward your colleagues are, ofc… But hey, if Heidi says it’s ok, who are we to argue?!
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