Have you ever fantasised about stepping out of your bathroom with celebrity-level hair without actually going to the salon? I certainly have. I’d love to have screen-ready hair every day! But who has the time and money to spend every day at the salon getting a blow-out or colour-treatment? And just how are you supposed to get that salon-slick finish at home?
Well, it’s time to let you in on a little secret. The truth is, the women you see on TV more likely than not have extremely damaged hair, despite how perfect it appears on the screen. Reality stars are in glam practically 24/7, and when your life is documented, you’re expected to look the part which means ensuring your hair looks fabulous. It sounds alluring, until further inspection.
Constant coloring, toning, and blow drying can leave hair traumatized to the point of no return. Behind the hair spray and immaculate blowout, your strands are crying for help. The stress hair goes through with continual exposure to heat will catch up to you sooner or later, most likely showing up as frizz and split ends. And that can happen at a salon or in your bathroom. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Beautiful hair is powerful, but even more so is healthy hair. And before the damage becomes irreversible, a preventative solution is needed. Celebrities don’t have the option to opt out of glam, so they need a solution that can limit the trauma and repair the damage. But why shouldn’t every woman have access to this? We all enjoy the feeling of perfectly style-ready hair – wouldn’t it be nice if we could achieve this at home without the hassle or hair horrors?
Enter OMORFIE, an Australian-made professional hair care brand changing women’s lives for the better. The company creates products formulated by industry experts using high-quality, certified organic ingredients that promote hair health through minimalistic routines. The celebrity-endorsed brand is trusted by Million Dollar Listing’s Tracy Tutor, and Bravo’s Real Housewives including Tiffany Moon, and Peggy Tanous. Sustainable haircare that actually works has arrived, and it has the stamp of approval from reality stars.
“If OMORFIE can put reality stars on a preventative solution and teach them, with the right products, a haircare routine can actually boost hair health, imagine what it can do for the everyday person that doesn’t put their hair through such a taxing routine,” explains OMORFIE Founder, Morgan Prescott. And the results? A drama-free beauty routine providing nourishing protection for ultimate hair health. And no, it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.
“If you know what you’re doing and how to care for your hair, you’re going to minimize further breakage,” she explains. And OMORFIE is there to guarantee your hair receives the best care.
Prescott didn’t stumble across the idea to create a company dedicated to healthy hair but rather witnessed first-hand the dire need for one.
Working in the salon industry for 20 years,’ Prescott saw both the best and worst sides of the industry. And after observing the lack of proper treatment for celebrities behind the scenes, she reflected on how to change this.
“What is it that I can do from a professional standpoint to educate my client?” she recalls questioning herself. “If you’re a client in my chair, a real housewife, or you’re a reality TV star going through an immense amount of hair trauma, how is it that I can give you my insight and knowledge so that when you go home at night, your hair isn’t going to break,” Prescott continues.
In the early beginnings of OMORFIE, Prescott spent hours researching ingredients and testing product combinations to create the ultimate hair health regime with the minimum of fuss – all while continuing to work full time as a salon consultant so she could raise enough capital to get her dream off the ground.
Once the range was perfected, Prescott decided to put OMORFIE to the ultimate test – she turned the original inspiration for her hair repair routines (the women of reality TV) into her target clients. ‘An initial conversation with a single Real Housewife. quickly turned into partnerships with Bravo TV’s top cast members. And now, the company is “blowing out” the hair industry one strand at a time.
OMORFIE not only provides products that actually work but teaches celebrities how to care for their hair, a crucial step that is too often left undiscussed. And the best part? The products are available for any and everyone to use – not just reality stars.
So whether you’re a well-known star or an everyday girl like Prescott, your hair journey is more connected than you may think.
The secret to strong, luscious healthy hair is no longer a secret. Psst – your hair care journey has finally come to an end!
Join the healthy hair movement now and finally get the hair of your dreams with OMORFIE products. Visit them on Instagram and on their website today to learn more.