Feel Like You’ve Lost Your Way? Here Are 5 Steps Diala Hanna Took To Get Back On Track

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Spearheading the way for positive change in all generations, big and small, is Diala Hanna, the founder of the online coaching platform My Power Of Happiness. After rediscovering her happiness, inspiration, and purpose through five steps, Diala is on a mission to share this knowledge with millions of people so that they can become the best version of themselves.

No human being on the planet goes through life feeling UP 100 percent of the time. We all have low moments or suffer setbacks. But often, people can slip into a dark place where we identify as being lost, uninspired, and unhappy – a space where we find ourselves walking through life feeling simply lifeless. 

However, some of us can find our way back to the path we were destined to travel. All we have to do is make a choice – one that can be found deep within our souls.

But why is it so hard to find that life of meaning, connection, and happiness we long for? Why can’t we just live in our “happy place” all the time? These were the twirling thoughts that mother, mindset coach, entrepreneur, real estate developer and children’s author Diala Hanna experienced after finding herself falling into a constant state of uncertainty. 

“Six years ago, I used to complain all the time, and I didn’t realize how unhappy I was until my best friend asked me a question that transformed my life. She asked me when was the last time I was really happy?” shares Diala.

This realization and sudden epiphany shook Diala to the core but ignited a life-changing spark within her to discover what truly made her come alive. To do this, Diala needed to connect back to her inner self. 

And so, by starting her spiritual journey with the help of meditation, yoga, and gaining insight from world-class mentors like David Meltzer, the neuroscience and spirituality research learned along the way led to an almighty shift.

Through this transformation, the now founder of My Power of Happiness, an online coaching platform, was able to determine her mission in this world. “I aim to empower millions of adults and children to find the power within them to become unstoppable, have internal peace, and design the life they want,” says Diala.

My Power of Happiness is the light at the end of anyone’s tunnel. This is a platform where you can find tips, tricks, and self-help methods to help transform your life. Here, you can also discover practical and spiritual tools in the online course “The Power Within” and a personalized coaching online course called “ Be Happy, Be Unstoppable.”

After unearthing her internal purpose, passion, and happiness in five steps, Diala has now devoted her life to sharing the same happiness tools that helped her deal with the rest of the world. So, if you feel lost or need to seek happiness, inspiration, or purpose, here are five steps that will turn your frown upside down:

Step 1: Be Aware Of Your Limiting Beliefs

To change our mindset, we must be aware of our internal limiting beliefs in every area of our life. Our thoughts come from our subconscious minds, usually formed at a much younger age when we are not as mature as today. Technically these beliefs run our life, create our perceptions, and manifest our current reality.

Therefore your external reality is a reflection of your internal beliefs. If you want to change your external and internal reality, you must become aware of those beliefs. One of the ways you can do this is by putting your thoughts on paper.

You first need to “write down your ‘victim’ story, analyze it, take accountability of your actions, then rewrite how you want your life to look so you can start to manifest your new life laid out before you,” says Diala.

When you find the reason why you want to change your life, it will light a fire under everything you do. And with meditation and inspired action, you can change your inner limiting beliefs.

Step 2: Meditation

As Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness created.”

Within meditation, you must acknowledge where you are and then slip into where you want to be. “It’s important that you not only think about where you want to be but what it feels like to become the person you want to become,” shares Diala. This step can be pretty challenging as you delve deeper into your internal networks.

“You have to rewire your brain in the unconscious mind,” says Diala. “During the day, you’ll have to be aware of when the limiting beliefs come back and then flip the story when you are awake.”

You, therefore, have to find time to meditate DAILY. You have to give your mind the gift of silence. The silence will allow you to detach from your environment to reprogram your mind and connect with your future vision and your future self.

Step 3: Gratitude

“Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership,” explains Diala. “If you want to become the person that you want to become and change your life, the first step of getting into that divine state is to feel grateful for your present and future self.”

This means that you need to practice gratitude daily. Say Thank You first thing in the morning and before you sleep. Say Thank You for your future vision as if it already happened. Be grateful for what you already have so that you can fall into that state of abundance and deeply feel grateful for what you are about to receive.

The trick here is to feel the gratitude profoundly and not just to say it. Our emotions emit an energy that, if aligned with the thought, can reprogram your brain and create new synaptic connections, forming a new belief.

Step 4: Get Clear On Your Future Vision

Write down your future vision in every area of your life. Put down what beliefs you want to get rid of and what you will replace them with. This is important because once we have done all of these exercises of removing the limiting beliefs, we need to make sure that where we want to go happens.

After writing the who, what, where, and when of your overall goal, you can break it down by choosing at least three to four or five small activities that will get you there per day.

“One of the things that I do is I schedule it in my calendar so that I can physically see it there every day,” explains Diala. “I wake up at 5:30 am every morning to make sure that all the different activities that lead me to where I want to be are ready to go.”

Now it’s time to take action!

Step 5: Take Inspired Action

Meditation alone will not help you change your life. You have to take inspired action that is aligned with your future vision and your future self. You have to surround yourself with the right people who cheer for you, coach you, and support you on your journey.

In the end, Diala Hanna invites you to think about the following quote by Gandhi: “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Ask yourself this question: Is what I feel, say, and think aligned with what I am doing?”

For more tips and tricks on how to find yourself again, follow Diala Hanna on Instagram or if you are ready to kickstart your journey to greatness, take the Free Happiness Challenge to help you find internal peace and happiness.

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